Hi Wade - I had some questions about the coaching I was hoping you could answer for me as I want to get started asap.
I have videos of me at the beginning of the season not making any buoys to me making 6 at 32 MPH. I just made 6 at 34 MPH and I have to start doing it consistently here and I will video it as well.
What videos should I upload? Earlier ones, or my best now?
How do the dialogs work - does the coach look at all videos at once and give there lessons - or do you upload one - then get feed back, work on it for a week or two, then upload a new video with your hopefully improved pass and so on?
I'm just not sure how the dialogs work - if it is something right away, or if it can take a month to go through by submitting your new video as I take the pointers to the course.
Finnyski - thanks for your post.
I would upload the most recent videos you have. The best ones you have are great, but don't underestimate yourself - or the ability of your coach. You'd be amazed how quickly a pro coach will be able to pick out your major shortcomings, even if it is 1) your beginning of the season skiing 2) slump in the middle of the season skiing or 3) your best skiing ever.
Regardless of your level or the quality of the set you'll be submitting, your coach is going to focus on the fundamentals that are holding you back from the next level. We realize that skiing is hard to get consistency in, and the things that your coach will pick out are the things that will bring you to the next level.
You raise a good point about posting one video at a time or several at the same time. I think the most successful lessons that we've had so far have been when all the videos were uploaded at the beginning. This just gives your coach more to work with from the start, and it gives you more to talk about with your coach through the rest of the lesson.
After uploading the videos, you'll start by giving your coach an idea of where you're at and what you're looking to learn. They'll be able to see your skiing, read your comments, and your ski log, and then go from there with your lesson.
When you have all the videos uploaded from the start, the remaining dialog comments that you have with your coach can be used to clear up any questions you still have. So far, the people who have tried to milk the lesson length, submitting one video here and another there, have really not benefitted from the service nearly as much as those who submit all the videos at once. The conversation with your coach just gets to a deeper level right off the bat when you submit the videos at the start.
Even at the highest level in the sport, achieving the most efficient technique requires repeated analyzation... So just having your coach lay it out for you once may not be enough. Uploading all videos at the start of the lesson means you can spend the remaining dialogs clearing up any questions and getting to a deeper understanding of what you need to be working on.
If you do choose to upload videos over the course of the lesson, we need to wrap up each lesson within 2 weeks. Pushing it longer than this is just spinning your wheels. Just get in depth with your coach during your lesson and then you'll have plenty of things to work on. Keep logging your sets after your lesson is done, get some more video, and come back in a month for your next lesson.
One of last week's quotes of the day on My Ski Log was "The future rarely arrives announced". We're offering virtual coaching -- its up to you to take the next step. Those of you who log your sets habitually and get regular check ups from a pro coach will reap the benefits. It's that simple.