do u/anyone know how to take movie files of a disc?? then i could post them...
I just got a FlipVideo UltraHD for Xmas so I look forward to getting to video alot of my skiing this season, posting it and learning from it.
Post video with the following bracket tags around the YouTube video address:
Let's see how many posts we get on this thread first. Well be doing more with video on the skier pages in the future, too
This is a good idea, because I think I learn a lot more by seeing someone making the same mistakes I make, and then comparing that to the video of a pro. I can look at it much more objectively.
So now we need to get people to post their videos without care or concern for criticism.
And posting the bad passes is just as important as posting the good passes.
Have just been sitting with the camera in my knee connected to the tv and watching my training vids from last summer,planning on virtual coaching, so now i have to learn how to get it to a youtube vid.
I like the idea of watching others who is in the same situation as i am, and discuss the cause and effect.
Galejan wrote:
I like the idea of watching others who is in the same situation as i am, and discuss the cause and effect.
That's the idea of the new mentoring section which should be ready by this summer.... to allow skiers on your level to assist each other, and supplement virtual coaching from the pros.
Ok, if this works this is just this past summer when I ran 28 off my very first time. Hope it works.
Some of you have all ready seen my video which is old now, shot in October 2007 on Utah Lake. I was skiing in a dry suit in 55 degree water on a 8 buoy course. I still looked and skied about the same this past summer.
Last edited by ScotChipman (Fri, Jan 22, 2010 5:07 AM)
Hey 38orbust, i have to give you this video, its one of my friends who have a boat but no slalomcourse, so when the clubboat is up we go freeskiing at his place. This time i´m not whit them, but you where talking about iceberg, that we dont have, but ice...
In the video they joking about that the boat only is classified for 50cm thick ice, they also is joking about how "crazy" it is to go out riding a horse when its so cold, becuse a friend choosed to go riding instead of go waterskiing in these good conditions
Garn - Here is what I love about your video: The candid narration and chit-chat- that reminds me of our own boating so much. Typically you only see serious slalom passes on video, but catching the soft side of the sport is so fun. People need to see more of that.
Last edited by Jhughes (Fri, Jan 22, 2010 2:08 PM)
Great videos guys! Thanks for keeping the rest of us motivated through the off season. Seems to me like everyone has a group of skiers that they could easily turn into a team in the Pro Ski Coach Online Water Ski League. Hope everyone has had a great winter and i'll try to get some new videos out of SkiTek soon!
Alright, not gonna lie, the picture and Sound SUCKS i have no clue what happened to is but its just what came out... sorry. (if i where you just click MUTE.. though it sounds like bunch of screamy fuzz its ACTUALLY a beautiful song... I PROMISE! eventually i will fix this.....) and i didn't realize this until after the 2 flipping hours of it loading onto youtube.... NO WAY am i gonna wait 4 it again!
and this is some skiing i did in August at Lake Anna for a local movie. its a small collection of the raw footage. only problem is it was all copied onto a DVD. couldn't download it to my computer... so i video taped it then put it on! HAHA!! just bootlegged my own video!
-fyi, my MAIN thing for the coming up season is crossing the wakes.. right now its terrible...
feel free to comment (either on here or youtube or email OR the new!!!! PM!)
Last edited by Pl0tz (Sat, Jan 23, 2010 4:24 AM)
Finally!! My first uploaded video, its wasn´t so hard.
I took a scene from my training with Tomas Gustafsson last summer, these passes i focus on pullouts, from dropping my left shoulder he wants me to open up to the boat and feel the drag in my right arm and then stand relaxed over the ski and not push my knees.
The passes are direct after each other, both at 49kph, one in each direction, notice that the lake isn´t much longer than the course, and finally a quick view of the clubhouse.
Try to find some more clips of our arena and the cordinates for google earth so you can see our solution whit a short lake...more is to come...
Not good at GoogleEarth but here is the cordinates, try to look at the lake in summer when all the "reed" is up.
Latitud 58°48'55.33"N Longitud 16°59'1.68"O
We have been digging out in the reed so the boat can make the turn.
Last edited by Galejan (Sun, Jan 24, 2010 10:56 AM)
38orburst, this day i was training with the kids and the only "girls" was the mothers who was serving us with lunch.
-I usally pull out when the front of the boat go thru the "pre gate" (yes we have the green ones, but the guy who´s filming started to late)
-Pull out to the 246 line, sometimes outside that.
-Turn in when the platform passes the gate, but in this video i think i was told to start to turn in softly sooner to keep the smoothness.
Yes i have tried a one handed gate, but i went back to the two handed becuse i felt that is too much to think on at the same time, when i´m more confidence on the gates i might try again.
Our boat is a Ski Natique 196 -07 with Perfect Pass.
I edited my last post, hope that you can se it on google earth, we usually tell new skiers that the lake ends fast, so they pull out directly after the gate and not to hard, some ends up in the reeds.
The deepest in the lake is around 1.5 meters with soooft layer of mud, at the pull out it might be beetwen 1 and 1.5 meters.
This was a good summer and in the beginning of aug., so i think we hade around 22-24 degrees celcius in the water, so at that temp. most of our icebergs has melted, or chopped in pieces to fit our drinks
Last edited by Galejan (Sun, Jan 24, 2010 6:15 PM)
How come just the code came up Wade , and not the video?
skiboy - did you put "[youtube]" infront of the url then "[/youtube]" at the end????
Here is a clip from june 2007, first summer trying the slalomcourse, going on my EP Lazer that i bought 1990 uppgraded with 2006 HO Venom binding and a toeslip.
At this time i can´t figure out why the ski doesn´t turn when i want and why all this slack on the line...3 years later i think i have learned something, now i still use the Venom but dubble and on a HO Triumph.
In the clip you can see how we go around the "reed" before entering the course, its the same in the other end but thigther.